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WAWAWAX Hair Removal Cold Wax Starter Kit 30ml Body Care Waxing Cabut Bulu Sampai Akar

RM 19.90
WAWAWAX Hair Removal Cold Wax Starter Kit 30ml Body Care Waxing Cabut Bulu Sampai Akar Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Wawawax Hair Removal Starter Kit contains three main ingredients: honey, lemon & sugar. It helps remove all unwanted hair and smoothens the skin.


The Starter Kit wax can be used directly on the skin. The wax is not needed to be heated.


For each Wawawax Hair Removal Starter Kit 30ml set you will get

  • 1 pack wax 30 ml
  • 1 Mini Spatula
  • 10 Non-woven Strip Wax (reusable)


Photo 09-07-2024, 13 59 34

Wawawax is effective for :

1. Removing hair until the roots / Cabut bulu hingga ke akar

2. No need to heat the wax / Tidak perlu panaskan

3. Soften the skin / Melembutkan semula kulit yang kasar kesan cukur

4. Slow the hair growth / Melambatkan penumbuhan bulu

5. Remove the dead skin / Mencabut kulit mati

6. The hair will growth thinner than before / Bulu akan tumbuh lebih halus dari sebelum

7. No chemicals / Tiada campuran bahan kimia


Easy to use.

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